Tuesday 12 February 2013

Task 5 - Flowchart for Tea app

How to make a cup of tea

Believe it or not you have been asked to bid on a contract for an instructional app that will teach users, step by step, how to make a cup of tea. To win this bid you must create a flow chart demonstrating the functionality of the app.

Use the common flow chart symbols to create an overview of the processes that are required and the user inputs and the outputs.

This task sounds relatively easy until you realize that you are not simply explaining to someone how to make a cup of tea, you are showing the process that an app will take to explain to someone how to make a cup of tea. This makes the flowchart considerably harder.

Below are some simple symbols that are commonly used to create simple flowcharts. 

Basic Symbols 

I wanted to include another symbol which is the symbol for a delay, this symbol shows that the user will have to wait for the kettle to boil and also he will have to wait for the tea bag to soak in the mug. This symbol is on the flowchart and is shown in green. The flowchart has been color coordinated and has a key, to help distinguish between the different shapes and to make it easier to follow. The flowchart can be seen below.

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